The retreat in Caesarea Philippi was the most strategic meeting Jesus held with His disciples, until months later when they found themselves in an Upper Room in Jerusalem.
Rock Johnson, Superstar. If I were a Roman Catholic Priest, this is the title I would give to my homily on this text. It would grab attention and require an explanation.
Sometimes the most important words you hear in life are followed by a question mark. Questions cause thinking. Thinking yields answers. Answers can show the way, the truth, and the life.
Joseph is one of the most enigmatic yet important persons in Christian history. Unlike Jesus and Mary, there are no outstanding Old Testament prophecies about him.
The original Palm Sunday was an uplifting moment near the end of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ. All four Gospels record it as a high and holy day.
Some people talk too much, and don’t say much when they talk. Some people can say a whole lot in just a few words. One person can say even more with just two.