April 25, 2021
What is so sweet about sorrow? That’s the question Jesus disciples had in mind on their last night together. They had left the upper room and Jesus was about to leave them. The next stop would be the garden of Gethsemane. There was time for a few final words and a prayer before betrayal, denial, and death.


March 28, 2021
“He Hate Me” is the name Jesus took during the talk He had with His disciples on the way from the Upper Room to the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was the victim of a terrible hate campaign that was about to come to a cruel end.


March 14, 2021
Few things are finer than sitting down to a dinner with people you love. At the Last Supper, Jesus was joined by the twelve disciples, though one exited early to ply his trade as a traitor.


February 7, 2021
Do you believe in God? An atheist would answer, “No,” for by definition he or she is a person who believes there is no God, or even gods for that matter. 


January 24, 2021
Jesus was unlike any other person who ever lived. He had the capacity to be both God and man. As such the Lord faced His final hours like He faced every moment of His earthly life, as a man of God and as God come to man.


January 17, 2021
Nothing is more glorious than love.  Of it poems are written, songs are sung, movies are made, relationships are formed, and Scripture speaks.  Would it be that the latter could govern all of the former, but modern culture seldom consults God’s word concerning the definition and parameters of love. 
All four Gospels tell of the treachery of the top turncoat of all time, Judas Iscariot. The fourth Gospel mentions him the most and seems to understand him the best. John rightly reveals the fake disciple as a traitor, a thief, and a tool of the devil.
Death has long taken all of my grandparents and both of my parents, much too soon in almost every case. This makes my generation of the family up next, but death has yet to come knocking on my or any of my siblings’ door. However, it has recently reached out to a dear old friend.